Monday, July 26, 2010

From Quiapo to Laguna


Dodong is going old school again. I went to Hidalgo last Saturday to buy several rolls of film. In case you are not yet familiar with the place, Hidalgo is a street in Quiapo, Manila where you can buy cameras, photo supplies and other camera accessories very cheap. If there is “Banawe” for car parts, there is a “Hidalgo” for photo supplies. Hidalgo is a photographer’s heaven. Ako feeling photographer lang but I also regard this as a heaven because I get to buy films cheap. How cheap? For films that are being sold for at least Php 100.00 in malls, I can get it for half the price here. Similarly, I was able to buy a camera for my sister that costs around Php 32K in the mall less than half the price (I just bought it for her, it was her money). To give you an idea how it looks like, Hidalgo looks like a public market. It is a small street near the Quiapo Church and Plaza Miranda (I hope you are familiar with your Philippine History) where stores selling photo supplies and camera repairs are to be found side by side. Then, in the middle of the street and right in front of these stores are vendors selling clothes, fruits, kakanin, carinderias, etc. As I said, it is a market.

It has been more than a year since I last visited Hidalgo, the last time I think was when I bought my sister’s camera. I had two objectives last Saturday, first was to buy fresh stock of films and the other was to buy a spare battery for my old school lolo cam. First objective was successful, bought 20 rolls of films. The second objective on the other hand was not because it turns out that the battery I was using for my old school cam is already phased out. I went into most of the stores along that street but all said they had none. However there was one shop that I suspect to be selling that particular battery but the owner refused to sell one for me because I did not buy films from him. Before I purchased my films, I first went inside his shop to canvass. When I came back to ask if he is selling the battery I was looking for I saw him stare at my left hand (the hand that was holding the 20 rolls of films that I bought) then looked back at me and answered it was out of stock; he then mumbled something in Chinese after. If I was only Chinese then I may have understood what he mumbled.

Quiapo. I took this photo two weeks ago when my camera was still working, I happened to pass by the area on my way home. On the right is the Quiapo Church, the church where the famous Black Nazarene is kept. Then in front of the church or the middle part of the photo is Plaza Miranda. Hidalgo st. is also almost in front of the Quiapo Church.

I spent the rest of the weekend in Lake Caliraya in Laguna. Lake Caliraya is a man-made lake built in 1939 by US Army Engineers with the approval of late President Manuel L. Quezon intended to generate hydroelectric power for Southern Luzon. The photos below were taken a few years back when I went to Caliraya with my cousins. Our family from my father side was already staying in Pansol, Laguna during that time. I got bored and asked my cousins if they were interested to go on a road trip. I borrowed my uncle’s FX so that the seven of us would fit in. Take note that we were seven, three were seated in front (I was the driver), two in the middle then another two at the back. They were all couples and I looked like a tour guide during that trip.

Caliraya Lake

Ang mga turistang couples (My cousins in blue and yellow are ADDU graduates)

We went to several towns in Laguna during that road trip and our joy ride included a visit to the Japanese Garden near the Caliraya Lake. Via Cavinti, Laguna, one would be able to pass by the entrance of the Japanese Garden on his way up to the lake.

Japanese Garden

A small cemetery inside the Japanese Garden

Shrine honoring Japanese war veterans

There are other interesting places I was able to visit in Laguna. I will try to compile the photos and would share them to you on another entry. For the mean time, I will now get some sleep.

Ayo! Ayo!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Film is not dead


My trusted camera crashed Friday night. I don’t know why. All I can remember was that I was playing with its settings, found something interesting that would create “artsy-fartsy” photos then when I tried using it again, it won’t turn on. As a result, I was not able to capture incriminating moments of my colleagues like I always do. How unfortunate.

I brought my daily companion camera to the service center this afternoon. Since I am used to having a camera with me always, I took my old bulky and heavy camera that was handed down from my grandfather to my dad, then from my dad to me when I was in grade 5. Imagine how old this cam is? Despite of its age, it still takes good photos. The only downside is it is costly because I have to buy film and have it developed. Also, I have to finish a roll, actually five rolls, before have it developed so that it will be cheaper. But the wait and anticipation on how the photo would turn out is fun, exciting and rewarding if it turns out great.

I also love looking at photographs that were taken on film. There is a unique sensation or feeling that it brings me. The colors are also very different from photos taken from a digital camera. I don’t know if I am sad that I won’t be able to use my daily pocket digital camera or excited that I would again be able to use my old film camera, I find it bittersweet. Was looking at some of my photos that I took on film while I was writing this and I feel inspired, which is good. May start shooting on film again… need to save up again Dodong.

This is my nephew during the funeral of my grandmother. It was raining that afternoon which explains his rain coat.

This photo was taken in Davao City. I forgot where exactly but I know it’s on the side of Ateneo de Davao facing the Marco Polo Hotel. It just so happened that the three of us were in Davao, I was attending a family function while they just got down from Mt. Apo. We decided to meet up and have a drink at a place behind Ateneo.

There is a restaurant in Baguio City called “Oh My Gulay” that serves vegetarian food. It is owned by the national artist Kidlat Tahimik. I like going to this place because of the delicious food and “artistic environment”. Dapat lang because it is owned by a national artist. I took this photo after I finished my salad and pasta.

My friend has a tattoo on his back that he kept from his parents for quite a while. When he decided to show it to his parents, the reaction of his mom upon seeing his tattoo was “Ang laki!” (It’s big!)

Went to Atok, Benguet to volunteer helping coffee farmers and be immersed on how they live. I was there several friends and met interesting people like Redg (the guy in the middle). He is a CoffeeAider, he organizes trips similar to what I joined to.

I like what I am seeing here, I think I really need to start shooting in film again. Surprisingly, despite the presence of digital cameras there are a lot of film enthusiasts coming out, maybe it’s time for me to join this group again. Film is not dead!

Ayo! Ayo!

I am barbaric!


In movies, you always see barbarians having big meals, whole roasted pork on the table, big whole piece of turkey or chicken that they eat with their hands. This sort of happened to me last week when I had a whole chicken just to myself. Yes, 1 whole chicken all for Dodong.

Chicken all you can

When I was still a young little boy, I remember of always going to Max’s for lunch or dinner and would always have the Chicken Dinner platter with rolls instead of rice. We would always go to Max’s when my parents want to eat outside kaya I had a phase wherein nagsawa ako with this fried chicken place. But this is gone now, what I have at the moment is a strong craving for this juicy and tasty “sarap to the bones” chicken. It is very timely that in celebration of its 65th year of frying chicken Max’s Friend Chicken has a “Chicken All-You-Can” promo for only Php 165.00. When I saw the billboard of this promo, I said to myself that I have to try it to satisfy my craving; I had my chance last week.

"Chicken arena"

The Chicken All-You-Can promo is from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. I arrived in Max's a little before 9:30 p.m. so I only had 30 minutes to eat as many chicken as i can. Did you know that Max's Fried Chicken was named after Maximo Gimenez, a Stanford-educated teacher, and that the special chicken recipe we all enjoy now was created by his niece Ruby? Now you do.

1st round

Chicken are served ¼ piece at a time, the waiters would offer another piece once you finish the first one. My rice and chicken was served, but before I can start, I had to prepare the perennial perfect match for Max’s fried chicken, Jufran Banana Ketchup with Worcestershire sauce (Mother's Best Hot Sauce is optional). With the special sauce ready, I started to eat.

1 whole

I finished a whole chicken. I thought it would be easy but it was not. Despite the struggle, the challenge of eating a whole chicken was very satisfying and filling. How I wish that Inday was able to join me in this barbaric-like meal, maybe soon.

Anyway, Ayo! Ayo! Muna for now.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lola Basyang: Hindi ka na estudyante iho!

Magandang umaga Inday!

Metro Manila did not expect for Basyang to hit the metropolis. Worse, residents did not expect for it to be that strong; all I believe were unprepared. Past forecasts were far from accurate; PAGASA declares a signal no. 3 over Metro Manila but neither winds nor rain were experienced. There was also a time when it was sunny all day contrary to the declared signal no. 2. These I assume were some of the reasons why people took Basyang lightly.

Gloomy Tuesday afternoon (deadma lang ang mga tao sa threat ni Basyang)

When the winds started to pick up, I was in my room busy surfing the net. I can hear the winds starting to howl. I was neglecting all these until electricity was cut-off. It was only then that I realized that Basyang is not a weakling Lola. Sleeping was a struggle because of the strong noise; Basyang blowing hard over Metro Manila is creating. But most importantly I was concerned that something may hit Simone because she was parked outside of the house, completely vulnerable to the wrath of Basyang.

Morning came and the first thing I did was to check on Simone. I was very glad that nothing happened to her. What surprised me however was the effect Basyang had on our small village, mostly uprooted trees and fallen branches of old trees. Sayang.

Doggie roof

A poor dog lost the roof of its house. Kawawa naman siya kasi I am sure the dog was cold and wet on Tuesday night. Also, I hope this roof did not hit someone or something when it was flying its way to our lawn.

Basyang even reached Bicol

More branches

Wednesday morning made me and my sister realize we are no longer students and how student life is in a way better than work. If we were still students then we would have stayed home or go to the mall on Wednesday since classes were suspended. Unfortunately, graduate na ta so kailangan ng kumayod. No instant vacation for you Dodong.

Dreaming to be rich moment

Another beer match

Imagine an infinity pool 55 stories above ground? What a perfect match with a cold beer! This infinity pool is on the top of the recently opened Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore. I definitely would have to go to this place! Save up Dodong!

Ayo! Ayo!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

OMG! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!


Drove to Manila last Thursday and would just like to share how the almost down-town Manila looks like (because there is a more down-town). The photo below was taken along Aurora Avenue, approaching the intersection leading to the crib of President Noy-Noy. You would see two different worlds; on the right are the old houses reflective of the old Manila and on the left is the LRT line 2 which shows the progress we are currently undertaking. From the four train lines here in Manila, line 2 for me is the most non-3rd world. I’ll try to ride this again and take photos so you’ll know why.

Old and the new

I enjoy eating in food courts because it lets me travel the Philippines through the different flavors I can find in a food court plus it is cheap. I can decide to go to Davao and be in Ilocos in a few steps. Last Thursday, I was supposed to go to the gym but was not able to because I brought jeans instead of shorts. Brilliant! Since I was already there, I decided to have dinner instead. I felt going to Ilocos and be adventurous and so I did. ;p

Melting pot of Filipino flavors

When I hear Ilocos the food that immediately comes to my mind is Papaitan, it’s the insides of a goat cooked in the juice of the grass the goat has digested. I already know how it tastes like and would like to try something new. The lady suggested that I try the Sinanglaw, which is cow insides cooked in a special broth. What is in the broth? I do not know. I’ll see if I have an Ilocano friend from whom I can ask. For my dessert, I had an Ilocos Empanada.

Sinanglaw and Empanada

It was the eve of Usher’s concert and was curious on why the stage has not yet been put up in the SM concert grounds. There were several explanations I was thinking of. One was that the stage contractor has been very efficient with its work that it can finish the stage in one day. Another was that SM want’s to maximize the sales it can generate from parking fees on the SM Concert ground. Neither was correct because the concert ground used was the open space behind the SMX Convention Center and not on where I was standing. Another smart moment for Dodong.

“SM Concert Grounds”

Was browsing through some of the photos I took and found two photos that I wanted to share one is of a child in the new NAIA terminal 2 and another is of a fire truck that is “Out of Service”.


I was waiting for my relatives to check-in for their flight going back to Davao when I saw this kid who’s lining up with her mother. Wala lang, ang cute lang niya maglaro. ;p

Out of Service

The photo of the fire truck was taken in Pritil, Manila a highly populated area of illegal dwellers that is highly prone to fire. I find the irony here both funny and dangerous. It’s funny because of the big sign that says the truck is “Out of Service”. Dangerous because the truck would not be able to respond in case there would be a fire. Dahil dikit-dikit ang mga bahay dito, a small fire can be like a bush fire that can spread very quickly.

Ayo! Ayo!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Domo Arigato, Sharon Cuneta!


I woke up Saturday morning not expecting how long it would be. After having beef hotdogs and pandesal for breakfast, I headed to San Juan for a bowling tournament. The 1st round of the tournament ended around 12:30 pm. Thrift mode was on so I decided to order lunch at the bowling alley because I know it will be shouldered by someone, I ordered beef stroganoff with pasta. After I ordered a boss said we’ll have lunch afterwards, his treat. Free meals! What a morning! We were all full so we said that we’ll just have dessert in Bizu in Promenade, Greenhills. These were the desserts we had:


Amour (Chocolate Orange Cake, this is what I had)

Strawberry cheesecake (I think)

Molten chocolate something (No, she did not finish all these by herself. She shared it with the rest of us ;p)

Must try

It was a loser Saturday afternoon because I reported for work to finish a ton of paper works. Fast forward to around 9 p.m., I was hungry and thirsty for a few bottles of beer. I sent a text message to my high school friend Kim asking what were his plans. He said he’ll be meeting up with some of his other friends and might go up to Tagaytay. Had nothing to do that night, open to meeting new friends and wanted to do something spontaneous so I told him to wait for me at his house and I’ll join them.

From Ortigas, I was in Paranaque in less than 30 minutes. Then from Paranaque we drove to Manila to pick-up Kim’s friends and back to Paranque to load up with alcohol. After a bucket of beer, a plate of sisig and a pitcher of an alcohol mix we were off to Tagaytay, this was a little past 1 a.m..

2 a.m., foggy Tagaytay road

Our first stop in Tagaytay was a bar that I forgot the name. Had another bucket of beer to load up more alcohol then went to a 24/7 bulalo place. Tagaytay is associated with bulalo because there is a cattle trading area in Tagaytay where cows from Laguna and Batangas are brought for auction.

Ready for your bulalo craving at anytime

Tagaytay is a cool place that is why there is no need for air conditioning. No need to make the place look fancy (just the uniforms), cowboy naman mga tao dito. ;p


Bantayan ang mga bata…

A little past 4 in the morning we had taho in Tagaytay before driving down back to Manila. We were the buena mano customers of the taho vendor and while enjoying our taho, there was a "taong grasa" who approached us and asked a light from my friend and he kept saying, "Domo Arigato, Sharon Cuneta!" after his cigarette was lighted. Have no idea what is the relation between the two. Haha.
At 6 a.m. I finally was at the comfort of my bed any soft pillows. ☺ Though it was tiring, I enjoyed the spontaneous night I had. Ang dami palang nating pwede puntahan dito Inday pag lumuwas ka. Sana lang eh maitakas ko ang sasakyan ni amo sa day off ko. ;p

Ayo! Ayo!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Anyhow... JerJer's?!?!

Pssst! Inday!

I don’t know if it was because of the coffee I drank in Starbucks this evening but for some reason I am in the mood to write another update.

Filipinos now seems to be more open to exploring different restaurants aside from the usual fast food chains or commercialized restaurants that have several branches, myself included. I like discovering new places where there are good eats. Of course, I am also particular with the price, I want the place to have great food that are reasonably priced. Aside from the great variety of flavorful food that emerging restaurants offer, another factor that makes them attractive is the names owners give their restaurants. I was driving along E. Rodriguez in Quezon City the other day when I passed by this restaurant. I am not sure whether the restaurant is under construction or it is already out of business but the name and slogan is very catchy… Inihaw… Ini-time… Ini-day

Anyhow Inihaw

Another interesting name I saw, this time in a restaurant along Timog Avenue in Quezon City is this.

Ma-L and green ang mga taga Davao

I was likewise surprised to see the name of this barbeque place and I wonder what is happening inside. Will try to eat here so that I can give you an update on what is inside. ;p

An opportunity to pretend that we know how to play bowling came up. There is a tournament this coming Saturday and we were invited to join. Nung hinire ako ng amo ko last year, I was also semi-forced to join even if I do not know how to play. On tournament day, I played a key role on keeping our score low so that we can be categorized in the lowest division. Once we were included in division C or D (the lowest division), my team mates brought out their real games and we eventually won 1st runner up. If it wasn’t for my terrible game we would not be under this division and would not have won any trophy.

We played at e-lanes in San Juan

Wish us luck that we can have a repeat performance or better on Saturday.

Ayo! Ayo!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ride her smooth and slow

Maayong buntag Inday!

I treated Simone for a shower and wax last Sunday. This is the first time she had a wax since we first got together. I like riding her after she gets out from the shower so just imagine my desire and urge to ride her smooth and slow after her waxing session. Ang kinis and sexy niya. Whew! ;p

BNT Car wash, where Simone had her shower and wax ;p

Took Simone for a spin last Sunday around Manila and saw this taxi that has names painted on its back. The names were “Kat-Kat, Vin-Vin and Ta-Ta”. It made me remember a friend who calls my boss “Dam-Dam” or “Dadam”. Imagine, they just met but she already gave my boss petnames? Gwapa naman ata siya kaya my boss found his new petnames cute and actually liked it. :) Aside from that, it also made me think why Filipinos love giving repeating names like Jun-Jun, Tan-Tan, Lin-Lin, Che-Che, Ton-Ton, Chin-Chin even our president’s name is repeating Noy-Noy. It’s not very creative but I guess parents use it so that the name will have a recall on others and to their child because the name is repeated twice. Haha.

Poot-Poot! Para! Para!

Sunset corner Seaside

Although I do not stop to eat or buy something from the mall, I like passing by the Mall of Asia at night. I pass there, driving slowly and look at the people who cross the streets and those that walk along the strip of restaurants. I can’t remember if nakaluwas ka na ng Manila but in case you have not been to that Mall of Asia and watch at the Imax Theater perhaps we can do this pag nakaipon ka at makaluwas. If you want, from the pier we can go straight here. ;p Dako lagi ng screen nito kaya it’s very… the word is in the tip of my tongue… basta it makes you feel as if you are in the movie. Was able to watch Avatar (3D) in Imax. Wow! What an experience! I was speechless after the movie because I felt I was in the world the Avatars were in and made me think that the world portrayed in the movie exists.

Halong ka lang diyan Inday!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kiat si Dodong


Pinasali si Dodong sa isang seminar! After a year I was finally sent to a seminar by my boss. Anyway, I just want to share what happened today because you will be proud of Dodong. ;p

The 2-day seminar which will last until tomorrow is about intrapreneurship. Don’t want to explain this further because Dodong already had enough nose bleed today. First challenge for the participants was for our respective groups to build a convenience store out of barbeque sticks, straw, newspaper and masking tape. Limited time was given to build the tallest, most stable and creative convenience store. Dodong is not an engineer but he played a key role in the building of the most stable and tallest convenience store. The height of our convenience store was only eye level. But thinking fast, I thought of taping together several straws tape one end at the topmost part of our convenience store and tape the other end on the ceiling. Nasigurado kong hindi tutumba yung tower naming. We won the challenge.


Next challenge was to come up with a group name. This is no longer a contest but the group name Dodong thought of had the most impact, TEAM POGI (Profit Oriented Group of Intrapreneurs). Nose bleed ulit so let’s leave it there. Basta POGI kami. ;p


Last challenge for the day was to come up with an advertisement that we will use to attract target customers to a fictional service that we plan to offer. Again, it was Dodong who thought of these lines for TEAM POGI’s advertisement for a massage chair. Lumabas na naman ang pagka-lasalyano at kiat ni Dodong.

Sabik sa Ginhawa?

These were Dodongs accomplishments for today. Hahaha. Proud na ba si Inday?

Ayo! Ayo!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Eating Chinese food does not make you Chinese

Good morning Inday,

Saturday, fortunately I did not have any work today. But being the workaholic person that I am lately, I want to be productive and I know staying at home would not let me do that. The bed, couch and television call me when I am at home. I decided to go for a drive to Intramuros in Manila and go to my favorite coffee shop there. Not really sure why I call it favorite but I like going to the coffee shop.

From bullets to coffee

They transformed this old bunker in Intramuros into a nice coffee shop. I do not know how this bunker was used before but I just have this feeling that it was also used to store and keep bullets. I want to be nerdy and give you historic facts about this specific bunker or of the whole Intramuros but I think I am too lazy lately to do that. The place was always peaceful when I first discovered the place. But now local and foreign tourists frequent the place. You just have to be patient and wait for people to leave if you want to experience silence in the place.

Cityplace (look, the billboard is in Chinese)

After finishing ang pinag ipunang grande cup of green tea frapuccino, I decided to do more driving until I passed by Binondo/Chinatown. Here I saw the old project I handled on my first job diri sa Manila after ako lumuwas. On my previous employer I handled the collections of payments and buyer problems for the Cityplace at the Binondo condominium; it's a 60-story twin-tower condominium at the heart of Chinatown. When I started no one wanted to handle the account because it had problems with the city government and most important of all, language barrier with the unit buyers because they were all G..I.’s ore Genuine Intsik. These are Chinese people who migrated to the Philippines from China. There is this one time that I had to talk to a certain client and since I know na G.I. sila, I asked the help from one of the bosses of sales who knows how to speak Chinese to come with me and be my translator. I told him what I wanted to happen and he did all the talking and negotiations for me.

People always think that I am Chinese and some even talk to me in Chiniese. So what I did during our meeting is what I always do when someone is talking to me in Chinese, I just smile, nod my head, pretending I understand what they were saying. Hehe. ☺ And it works! =p

Had dinner with friends Saturday night and we ate at The Legend Seafood. Sobrang lami ng food here and the price is very reasonable.

The Legend


Ang appetizer na ulam na for me

Though it is meant to be an appetizer, the assorted cold cuts they serve in Chinese restaurants is already an ulam for me. I like the century egg, the white chicken, the jellyfish and the minced ginger with oil that you place over the white chicken. Ohh this is making me hungry. Hehe.

Yun lang muna Inday for now. Will keep you posted on my other adventures here in Manila.

Ayo! Ayo!